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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gold Mountain Update

I found out yesterday that my historical novella, Gold Mountain, is due out February 23, exactly a month from today. It's still being proofed and a cover has yet to be chosen. I hope that they find some really attractive models for the cover, but in the interim I thought it'd be fun to pick out some generic photos that could serve as a cover or dramatize some scenes from the book.

Since the title is GOLD MOUNTAIN, this would work nicely.

This pic would serve as a good prototype for the shop run by Wao, a member of the triad and trader in opium. Behind the curtains would be the opium den for his "guests."

Buildings from Old Sacramento have been restored and renovated for tourists. This would have looked like the typical street my protagonists would have walked.

A dismal look at what Sacramento's Chinatown might have looked like in the old West.


Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 1/23/2010 02:52:00 PM Permanent Link     | | Home


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