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Monday, November 21, 2005

The publishers finally listened...

...and changed Donna Hill's cover for her new book Getting Hers. (See my previous post for the history.) Monica posts on her blog that Donna insisted on the change as the previous cover (two urban looking chicks) didn't reflect the story of three friends who are black, hispanic and white. The cover below just makes more sense and will probably appeal to a wider, more diverse audience.

I suspect that the urban look was a deliberate attempt by the publishers to cash in on the burgeoning urban-lit market. They weren't even going to try to reach a diverse market, but instead were going after what they assumed was the largest black market. They wrongly assumed that market wouldn't be black or general romance, but urban lit.

Hurray to Donna for speaking up. She got what she wanted. And the new cover looks fabulous.

Correction: Donna writes mysteries, not romances. My error.

Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 11/21/2005 11:37:00 AM Permanent Link     | | Home


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