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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Busy writing

In addition to the web articles I've been writing regularly for the past weeks, I've tentatively entered a deal to write a novella for Loose-ID in recognition of Black History Month. The guidelines requested historical novellas featuring Af-Am characters. So I've set this story in 19th century Sacramento, California where the last few miles of the Transcontinental Railroad are being built (circa 1865 or 1866). Leah is a black woman who's settled in Sacramento along with her friend and business partner Clara to make their fortune. Although the gold rush first occurred nearly twenty years before in 1849, many settlers still make their way west, pulled by the fever of easy treasure. Both Leah and Clara are now entrepreneurs running a laundry/restaurant, providing services in exchange for gold and other currency. One day, a young (and of course, handsome) Asian man walks into their establishment seeking to have his shirt cleaned. Quiang is a worker on the railroad, a job that is hard, thankless and dangerous. When he and Leah meet, there is a barrier of language and culture, but eventually they will overcome these and begin to communicate in a way that is universal...

As I've done with my previous novels and stories, I Googled pics searching for physical prototypes to better "flesh out" the characters in my mind. Actors Daniel Heene (Three Rivers) and Freema Agyeman (Dr. Who) provide the inspiration this round.


Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 10/27/2009 10:53:00 AM Permanent Link     | | Home


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