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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lisa Riley's Give Yourself to Me

Author Lisa Riley's new book Give Yourself to Me is due out on August 31. It is the third book in the "Off Like a Prom Dress" series that includes Raine's Blues and author Roslyn Holcomb's Let's Do It Again. Lisa's latest offers a very intriguing plot. Set in New Orleans, the story is a melange of romance, danger and more than a bit of the paranormal. Read the blurb below:

If Dr. Hollis Delacroix had known she'd be falling in love with a future vampire/murderer when she was nineteen, she probably...still would've fallen in love. Hilliard had been irresistible then, and he was twice that now. But that's not her only problem. She'd stood the love of her life up on prom night and fourteen years later, he's finally found her, and boy has she got some explaining to do. But so does he! He hadn't told her that he was a vampire! But bigger than that is the fact that he's in town killing vampires and the bodies are landing in her morgue!

Cumberland Hilliard cannot believe that the girl he'd known as Rose when they were nineteen and in love is now the big shot New Orleans medical examiner named Hollis Delacroix. Oh he's glad to see her after years of wondering where in the hell she was, but he is not glad that she's the one looking at him for the murders of four people. Okay, he had killed two of them, but he’d had good reason: they were rogue vampires intent on killing humans.

But he can deal with all of that. What he can't deal with is not having her under him in his bed!


Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 8/10/2010 09:52:00 AM Permanent Link     | | Home


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