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Friday, June 02, 2006 Colorblindness and "Color Mixing" Rachel led me to this post by Piscean Princess, who writes about the inanity of "colorblindness" in the name of political correctness. In one account she cites, an overheard conversation between two women turns comical when the first woman seems unwilling to point out the race of a third woman as a descriptor, forcing the second woman to try to guess whom they are talking about. The describer seemed to think she would lose some PC points for noticing that a woman was black. I believe that colorblindness is a legitimate idea when determining traits and skills that should not be judged by color, such as in job competitions. But overall, skin color is an intrinsic part of all of us and should not be ignored for the sake of political correctness. Color to an extent defines our physicality. I note my own frustration with colorblindness as played out in the media. I know there have been those who complained about the emphasis on black criminals as opposed to those of other races. And yes there may be some imbalance in the media. But I'm of the mind that when the public safety is at issue, colorblindness shouldn't be a factor. Skin color is a descriptor as valid as the color of one's eyes and hair. And yet, I've seen news items describing an assailant by every thing but his race. In this case, colorblindness helps no one and the media does not win any PC points. Everyone loses. I believe that if the Creator had not wanted us to notice color, he simply would have made the world colorless. Which leads me to another peeve - those who preach against interracial love, designating it by the ugly, filthy term "color/race mixing." Believe me, there are those today who still believe that God did not mean for the races to mix (just check out some of the message boards sometimes). Here's my opinion: if God didn't mean for the races to mix, then He is quite stupid. Let me explain: the Bible preaches specifically against bestiality (note it never preaches against relationships based on color, but prohibited mixing with those who worshipped other gods.) Yet I'm sure God knew there would be fools who would give a second look to some barnyard animal. So what did He do? He placed a lock between species so that there would be no issue between man and animal. Now, if God truly hadn't wanted race mixing, he simply should have put a similar lock between races so that there would be no children. And yet, we have every mixture of every skin color under the sun. What's with this? Is God's stupid? And if He is, do you want to say that to His face? Hmmm, guess not. I believe God is a firm adherent of mixing colors. If not, why would He bathe the world in green - a complementary color resulting from the mixture of blue and green. He esteems the color purple as "royal" - a color arising from the mixing of blue and red. The colors of flowers which include the color pink (white and red), or of the seasonal turning of leaves to a burnt orange (red and yellow). I can imagine He took great joy in bathing the world with the beauty of mixed colors. And I think he takes as much joy when two people fall in love, no matter the color of their skin.
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