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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A big thank you

Roz has tallied up the final results of the fundraising/Ebay auction and I am just floored by the generosity of all of the donors. The funds will help me re-locate as well as defray moving expenses (unfortunately, the court granted Wells Fargo a default judgment and a sheriff's sale is officially scheduled for April). I'm currently searching for an apartment (either six-month lease or month-to-month lease) for me and/or my mother (if she doesn't secure a place in the senior facility she's applied to). Your wonderful actions diminishes a load of worry b/c now at least we do have someplace to go.

On another note, I find it just hard to believe that my mortgagee, Wells Fargo, who has been incessantly ringing my phone the last few weeks, can't work with homeowners or provide loans for potential buyers (my home was on the market but no buyers, not even a showing), but can use bailout money for a Las Vegas junket where they get to party at the Wynn. I guess this is how they stimulate the economy.

Again, I want to thank all of you, including the fund orchestrators, Roslyn Holcomb, Karen Scott and Emma Peterson; to the various romance authors who generously donated books and other goodies to the auction; and to the many donors who not only gave money but sent good wishes my way. I'll never be able to repay you all, but I can't say enough how grateful I am. Thank you so much.

Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 2/03/2009 01:24:00 PM Permanent Link     | | Home


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