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Friday, February 18, 2011

Being Human Fanfic

I know I've been away for awhile but in my hiatus I've become an avid fan of the show Being Human. No, not the U.S.-Canadian version but the original BBC version. The general premise is the friendship between a werewolf named George and a 117-year-old vampire named Mitchell who seek to live human, normal lives. In this quest they take jobs as orderlies at a local clinic and eventually they move into a Bristol flat. However, it isn't an ordinary flat as it is haunted by a ghost named Annie, the former owner who died in a fall down the stairs. Because George and Mitchell are supes (that is, of the supernatural persuasion) they can see, feel and touch Annie, who is thrilled to be seen.

I caught up with the original online and have now become a serious Mitchell and Annie shipper. I mean so serious that I've resumed writing fanfic, which I haven't done since Poltergeist: the Legacy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

For those unfamiliar with the show or its latest season, the scenario may be a bit confusing. For those who've at least seen the last two seasons, they'll recognize the plotline. So here's my attempt to right some of the wrongs I believe the show's writers are doing to my M/A ship.

Reunion in Purgatory

BTW, I'm really loving Mitchell here:

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