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Saturday, August 17, 2013 So I sent off this message to the NYT this morningregarding the ny times crossword of 8/10/2013 "22 Across" I regularly enjoy your crosswords simply because they do test one's knowledge and are basically enjoyable. One of the attributes I admire about any crossword is that they tend to be apolitical despite whatever political leanings of the paper and/or the crossword author. However, I am just getting to the 8/10/2013 crossword and note that at 22 Across the clue reads: "_____ Obama" (epithet used by Rush Limbaugh). Does the nyt really want to quote a figure (albeit a known personality) who has shown racial and gender animus (calling Ms. Fluke a slut and using racial epithets)? If that particular line needed "Osama" there were any number of non-egregious clues that might have been used. That the author chose this particular clue seems to point to a bias and gives validation where it should not be due. Just thought you'd like to hear from a reader who is reconsidering the least the crossword section. Sharon Cullars
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