Sharon's Muse.... Let's chat over coffee while I ponder some things |
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TOOL & BAD BOYS Short, Short Ebooks |
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 My Anthology GENRES My author friend Gary Braunbeck just sent me a wonderful blurb for my anthology of short stories, GENRES. "Sharon Cullars' prose is so graceful you may feel as if you're dancing along with stories themselves. The dance will take you to places so bright you're almost euphoric, and it will take you into corners so dark you'll be shaken to your core. But one thing all of these exquisite stories share is Cullars' ability to mesmerize. I've been an admirer of her work for years. Now it's your turn." Thanks Gary! Gary is a wonderful writer of literature that exceeds any categorization. Check out his website at You can read an excerpt of GENRES at Amazon.
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