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Tuesday, April 18, 2006 Then sometimes you find a shred of common sense... In the massive deluge of nonsensical postings about the Duke rape, posts of blatant misogyny and racism, predominantly from white males, it is refreshing when you find someone who is not foaming at the mouth about us "predatory feminazis." Here is a guy whose MySpace journal I found free of the venom and is a refreshing look at a male who hasn't de-evolved to some paleolithic missing link. His name is Kris and here is what he posted: Same shit, new milennia... I've been monitering the Duke University Laccrosse Team Rape case lately because it pushes a lot of familiar buttons for me. Women get raped and get disbeleived ALL the time to start with, but when the accused attackers are Rich, White, and Star Athlete's, and the Victim is Black, and a Stripper, things clearly go to shit in a hurry. After witnessing a lot of brain dead and viscious posts on the Yahoo Message Board attached to their reposting of the AP story, a lot of fucked realizations come to mind. Some people are such Bigots that they think Blacks deserve to be abused by white people, period. Some people are such Male Chauvinists that they beleive women WANT to be raped, even forciblely, even with OBJECTS, if they are dressed provocatively or are engaged in sexually provaocative behaviour. Some people think 80% of rapes are LIES. Some people beleive that the rich should be allowd to do whatever they want to the poor. All these people feel totally free to say these types of viscious and ignorant things when in the cozy confines of an internet message board. I guess it's the flip side of the 1st Ammendament that I don't like to think about, but have to tolerate as a beleiver in the free exchange of ideas, no matter how sociopathic and/or stupid. All the article said, in terms of case particulars is this: The Victim had vaginal injuries consistant with forcible rape, possiblely by an object, and an unidentified team member, not under investigation, sent her a threatening email following the insident. Of course, all the CSI veiwers kept yelling, "That's it? Where's the rest of the DNA evidence? They can't be guilty if that's ALL they have!" Not realizing that any SMART Prosecutor will keep several key bits of evidence quiet until discovery, to use for MAXIMUM leverage, cuz in a case like this, the alleged perpetrators AREN'T going to "plead out" until they HAVE to. Meanwhile, every six minutes a woman is raped, and 1 in three woman, as a result, will be sexually assaulted in their life time. Of these attacks, 20% will got to trial, and only about 20% of those, on average, will result in a conviction. Meanwhile, women are encouraged to wear more and more revealing clothing, and to act in a more and more sexually provocative manner at parties, as though those statistics are figments of the imagination of shrinks, cops, and DAs who have nothing better to do than make stuff up. Maybe that's why I married a woman with a Brown Belt in Tae Kwan Do, encourage my Niece to keep up with her Karate lessons, and happily get in the faces of men hassling women in bars and clubs, even if I don't know them and they're dressed like an extra from a 2Live Crew Video. It's all I can do to make the kind of world I want to live in, and if you agree, I encourage you to do the same. The first step towards changing things is the refusal to go along with what's been going on... His page Duke update: Two players were arrested today. Their names are Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty, both 20. Interesting enough, I was in a debate yesterday over at Rachel's Tavern with a poster who kept emphasizing the criminal background of the victim. I countered that the accused also had their own criminal pasts. He dismissed the mostly misdemeanor charges, but I pointed out that at least one was charged with a violent gay bashing. He wanted to know why that was relevant and I told him that a person with a propensity for violence may very well be capable of rape since rape IS AN ACT OF VIOLENCE. The poster then countered that it would only be relevant if the particular player was one of the accused rapists and lo and behold, Collin Finnerty, gay basher, has now been charged with the assault on the 27-y-old dancer. Again, very interesting.
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