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Monday, September 11, 2006

So, it IS a dick thing...

According to a report soon to be published in Psychological Science, men are programmed to start sh*t (uhm, I mean, wars). Not a surprising finding to anyone breathing, but now there is empirical data to back up long-held assumptions. Researchers call it the "male warrior effect."

Here are some of the factors of "male warrior effect":

  • men bond together and cooperate well in the face of adversity to protect their interests more than women
  • men respond more strongly to an outside threat
  • men are more likely to support a country going to war
  • men are more likely to lead groups in more autocratic, militaristic ways than women

The study was conducted by the University of Kent (England) and focused on 300 university male and female students. Which might be flawed in my estimation given the small group studied. Also, there is also an age factor to be looked at. Younger males tend to "act out" more aggressively (just my view); as they grow older, they may become less reactionary. (Although this doesn't explain the third-leggers in the present administration).

Still, with all the wars, jihads and juntas going on around the world, it doesn't take much to estimate that those with third appendages are trying to prove something.

Or make up for, shall we say, other inadequacies. Too bad it all comes with a body count.

Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 9/11/2006 12:59:00 PM Permanent Link     | | Home


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