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Friday, September 01, 2006

Anniversary Oops

Yeah, I missed my own first annniversary. On 8/31/05, I wrote my first post not knowing what I wanted to say. My whole thought was to have a web presence when my book AGAIN came out. But then Katrina happened and I found my focus broadening, so I decided then to talk about any and everything that interested me, which was very freeing but also very intimidating because I didn't know how well my views would go over with potential buyers.

During the controversy of the Duke rape, I was accused of having a racist agenda. In posting about a young black woman who had been murdered, a supposed friend of hers asked me to stop posting about the victim because again I had a racist agenda. Well, here's the thing: I am a black woman and I see things from the perspective of a black american and a female american. We all approach everything, and I do mean everything, from the perspective of race, culture and gender (and sometimes religion, although I'm not brave enough to touch too much on that subject although I do have a lot to say). It's no use saying that we are neutral.

So for those of you who read my blog regularly, just know to expect the same. As I noted in an earlier post, my opinions may sometimes turn off potential buyers but in the words of a late great crooner, I gotta be me. So happy anniversary to Sharon's Muse.

Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 9/01/2006 09:04:00 PM Permanent Link     | | Home


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