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Short, Short Ebooks

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I am buzzing right now, floating on cloud 999. In my daily Google (yes, I admit I google myself often), I found that AGAIN is on a list submitted by the Houston Public Library for the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2008.

This is an international literary award hosted by Dublin Ireland with submissions from around the world. In brief, libraries submit books they consider worthy for the award and someone at the Houston Public Library place my book on the list.

And I'm buzzing because of who else is on the list - some real heavy hitters: Monica Ali, Joyce Carol Oates, Alexander McCall Smith, Walter Mosley, Alexander McCall Smith, and a list of 100 more authors who I have no business breathing their air, let alone being on the same list. But somehow I am and I'm buzzing.

No way am I going to win - or should. But hell, it's just nice being nominated. I feel like the unknown lucky jane who somehow got nominated for an Oscar she knows she is not going to win - so she can just sit back and enjoy being dressed up, the lavish festivities and wonderful hor doerves.

So I'm just going to toast myself with some chocolate.

Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 10/17/2006 08:04:00 AM Permanent Link     | | Home


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