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Thursday, June 14, 2007 Whites at historically black colleges ![]() Michael Roberts and his fiancee Marquita Watson More and more white students are attending historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), mostly due to lower tuitions. But they benefit more than just by saving money. They are exposed to a different perspective on the world, which challenges their own worldview. And as the article reports, whites who attend HBCUs are aware that the world is becoming more "black and brown." Lezli Baskerville, president of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education states: "You can't grow up in an all-white neighborhood, go to a predominantly white school, white cultural and social events, go to a predominantly white university and then thrive in a world that is today more black, more brown than before."This may be a viable answer to some of the racial ignorance out there. Everyone needs some time among the "other" to get another world view than their own. Just ask Steven Shukel. A white alumnus who graduated the historically black Morehouse College, Shukel, 30 and vice president in technology for New York-based investment firm Goldman Sachs, says he gained a different world perspective at Morehouse, something he didn't get while attending school in Nebraska, Colorado and South Carolina. Schukei says that Morehouse was a "refuge from the rest of the world where what race you are doesn't really matter." Michael Roberts, currently attending Benedict College in Columbia, S. C. also has a widened view on race relations. A football player and fraternity brother, Roberts also met his fiance on campus. When other whites question his decision to go to Benedict, he just tells them: "But it's still a school, I'm still getting an education. You don't have to be black to attend."
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