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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Finally made that move

Yes, I have finally moved. Although the initial plan was to leave the state, I realized that it would be better to remain in Illinois, so I just settled for leaving Chicago and am currently in Evanston. The moving was much smoother than previous moves, and I'm now enjoying a quiet view of a cemetery next door. It's really not as macabre as it could have been, and the subterranean neighbors pretty much keep to themselves. And luckily, I'm within walking distance to Lake Michigan. With the proceeds from the fundraiser and an unexpected extension on my unemployment benefits, I was able to stretch out to a year's lease instead of just six months, but everything entails that I pull in a moderate income. For that, I'm seriously considering either doing an online class for about $30 a session or trying to publish an e-book. Let me know if anyone would be interested.

Again, I can't thank all of you enough for keeping a roof over my head. And as for the cemetery...well, I feel some horror stories itching to come out. Keep posted.


Sharon Cullars Coffee Talk at 5/26/2009 08:09:00 AM Permanent Link     | | Home


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