Sharon's Muse.... Let's chat over coffee while I ponder some things |
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TOOL & BAD BOYS Short, Short Ebooks |
Friday, June 05, 2009 Settling in Will be awhile before I completely unpack and stop living out of boxes, but otherwise I'm settling in OK. I'm meeting neighbors and getting used to strange sounds, including bathroom pipes that gurgle in the middle of the night, and a heavy-footed upstairs neighbor who also plays the piano early in the morning...and moves things around at night into the wee hours. I mean things that sound heavy and on roller casters. I suspect she's moving around her piano. Even with carpeting, the apartments leave something to be desired by way of sound insulation. Even so, I love the numerous windows which let in a lot of light. Eventually, I'll get back into the blogging groove. In the meantime, below are more digital art I've done over the last few weeks:
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